

what it entails

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The word SOZO is found throughout the New Testament and it means = saved, healed, delivered.

Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He has provided full freedom and healing for everyone in spirit, soul and body. When we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we start walking a road with God and His plan for us, is that we will live in complete lifelong freedom in this union with Him.

Sozo Ministry is an inner healing and deliverance ministry and is Spirit led by a trained facilitator who will pray with you.  It will help deepen and strengthen your relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit while lifting out any underlying blockages in this relationship and dealing with it. It differs from normal counceling in the sense that it is a time where you can encounter the Father, Son and Holy Spirit personally.

In your Sozo session, lies and wounds will be revealed in a safe environment, and replaced by God, with truth and healing. It will free you from life-distorting lies and strongholds in your mind. When wounds, lies and traumatic memories are healed and God’s love is freshly experienced, the enemy’s access point to you is closed.  Deliverance is a natural byproduct of this healing process. Sozo will also help you maintain your newfound freedom and access the fullness of life that Christ intended for us.

Sozo is also a lifestyle – because you can use the Sozo tools in everyday life on your own.

A suggested donation of R250 per session is payable either in cash or EFT.

Banking Details:
Branch: 200910
Account No: 62852052027
Reference: Your Name

Send proof of payment to:


There are 3 different types of Sozo sessions available – Personal Sozo, Financial Sozo and Children Sozo. Sozo can be done in person or online via Whatsapp, Skype or Zoom.



The Sozo team, consisting of a head facilitator together with one or two leaders, will lead you, with the help of the Holy Spirit, through the process of freedom and wholeness. They will pray with you as the Holy Spirit leads you so that you can connect with God. You can come with something that you would like to address or you can leave it to the Holy Spirit.

Time of session: Up to 2 hours

Download Application Online Application



Financial Sozo takes the Sozo tools for inner healing and deliverance and creates a ministry focused on financial freedom. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the Financial Sozo facilitator will lead you through a mentoring session identifying lies and wrong perceptions that are keeping you back financialy, and address it. You will be helped to recognize the truth that is able to bring real change in your life.

Time of session: 60-90 minutes

You are advised to first do a Personal Sozo before doing a Financial Sozo session.

Contact: or visit:



Sozo for children give them the opportunity and space to connect with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The facilitator presents it at the level and age of the child. Children Sozo is for any young child or teenager that wants to connect with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit on a deeper level. It happens when fear, anxiety and blockages are removed, so that the child can live in the fullness that Jesus intended for them. They will learn how to hear God’s voice and meet Him face to face. This encounter wil propel them into the next level on their journey with God. A parent has to be present during the session.

Time of session: It depends on the age of the child  

One of the parents must have attended a Personal Sozo over the previous 12 months.

Download Application


To book a Personal Sozo (in person or online) session fill in the Online Application form or download the Application form, and send filled-in form to


For a Financial Sozo session, contact or visit


To book a Children Sozo, download the Children Sozo Application, fill it in and send it to